Door Has Opened.

Govindo (Govinda) is a name of god.
All names are names of god, all forms are forms of god, because nothing else exists; only god is. Let this feeling sink deep into your heart: only god is!
And it will bring a great transformation.

Go on remembering it.
The sound of the insects: only god is.
The darkness of the night: only god is.
Somebody laughing: only god is.
Somebody weeping: only god is.
Sadness surrounds you: only god is.
Great excitement and happiness: only god is.

In all moods, in all climates, in all seasons, go on remembering the "is-ness" of god, and slowly slowly it becomes an undercurrent of your consciousness.
You need not remember then, it is always there: it is like a fragrance that surrounds you.

And when this starts happening, that without remembering the remembrance persists, it is prayer! It is LOVE, Prayer means that the door has opened. LOVE means that the door has opened.

Take Care and Keep Smiling....
Himanshu Kumar Singh.