Truth That! Why You Deny, & Prefer To Avoid All Trouble.

Once you begin to see His hand behind everything, you cannot continue to do what you have been doing; it all appears wrong.

As long as you pretend He doesnt exist you can sin, misbehave, mistreat others, and give yourself full freedom to indulge in any evil;
As soon as His hand appears to you that freedom is lost. Then you have to think twice before you act and pay more attention to remembrance, to remembering God, because now you know that He sees, that He is present.

He is in and around everyone, everything. Whatever you do to anyone, you do to Him. If you pick someones pocket, it is His pocket you pick; if you steal, you steal from Him; if you kill, it is Him you kill.

Most human beings turn a blind eye towards Him. Once aware of His presence, you can no longer remain as you are; you will have to change at your very roots.
This change is so sweeping that many prefer to avoid all the trouble, so they deny God and remain as they are.

Take Care and Keep Smiling....
Himanshu Kumar Singh.